Clarion Partners - Owner's Engineer

Belgrade District Heating Development & Modernization Strategy overview

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The city of Belgrade and its suburbs are served by one of the largest district heating systems in CEE. Its main characteristics are:

  • a consumption area of about 230,000 apartments with 13 million m2 of heated area and more than 3 million m2 of business premises
  • more than 2000 GWh heat energy delivered
  • about 2500 MW HoB installed capacity including 18 plants and 98 boiler installations
  • about 200,000 tonnes of mazut (heavy fuel oil) equivalent consumed per winter, 80% of which comes from natural gas and 3% from lignite.

The equivalent capacity utilization is less than 1000 hours per year; about 140 kWh per m2 are produced and delivered to the system at the average winter temperature of +4.6

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