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Crisis in Italy may have impact on Serbia

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Serbian Minister of Economy and Regional Development Nebojsa Ciric stated Thursday that there is a real danger that the crisis in Italy will have an impact on Serbia’s export due to a decline in demand, but, however, added that it will not influence the existing projects in Serbia.

Italian companies are among biggest investors in Serbia, and Italy is one of the largest export markets for both Serbian products and products of Italian companies manufactured in the country, Ciric said at the event of awarding the Quality Oscar.

According to him, there is a real danger of a decline in demand for Serbian products, as a consequence of a drop in demand and deepening of the crisis in Italy, which will have a negative effect on export performances and business of companies.

Ciric added that Italian investments in Serbia such as Fiat are not jeopardized, and pointed out that the Italian company Lames Group promoted investment of EUR 8 million in Sremska Mitrovica on Wednesday, allocated for the opening of a manufacturing plant with 250 employees.

This shows that Italian companies from automotive and textile industries consider Serbia to be attractive for investments, he pointed out.

Ciric added he thinks that, for now, the started projects will not be jeopardized in any way.

On the one hand, the Italian government has a savings plan, and on the other, the IMF has its role there, he recalled, adding that it remains for Serbia to follow up the situation, bearing in mind the real and reasonable danger that what is happening in Italy could spill over to Serbia and other countries in the region.




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