Clarion Partners - Owner's Engineer

Energy Forum in Poland, Sopot, 28-30 November

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The cycle of meetings held by the Institute for Eastern Studies form Warsaw within the scope of the Energy Forum has become a major place for sharing ideas and open debate about the contemporary energy-related issues in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently the Forum is the biggest and the most comprehensive conference in our region. The previous editions of the Forum, which were held in Sopot, Prague and Budapest, were visited by the representatives of all most important players in the energy market, including politicians, businessmen and experts from our region and the European Union, Russia and the United States.

Debates of the Energy Forum focus on the issues of regulatory policy in the sector, energy security, perspectives for development of nuclear energy, methods of financing transition of national economies to renewable sources, and also the possibilities of cooperation in the area of energy in Central and Eastern Europe. Another important topic, discussed during the Forum in recent years, has been related to the perspectives of mining shale gas in Central Europe.

The topics of this year’s Forum include ‘Shale gas: Between business and politics?’; ‘Strategies for development of renewable energy in Central and Eastern Europe; ‘Integration of electric energy markets in the Baltic Sea Region’; ‘Energy ‘road map’ for Europe- the direction towards integrated market or a return to national strategies?’; ‘Trade in emissions in the EU and the future of coal-based economies – in search for better solutions’, among other things.



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